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Video by Troy Williams

It was a misty morning as paraders gathered in the early hours of September 29 but the remnants of hurricane Helene dispersed in time for the 8th annual Wheaton Arts Parade and Festival.
More than 500 people walked in the parade led by the Wheaton Volunteer Rescue Squad Color Guard, a piper, Sam Carson, from the Maryland Youth Pipe Band, and the Titans Marching Band of Albert Einstein High School. Carpe Diem Arts was there with Munit and z Lovebugs singing and playing their ukuleles. There were dance groups of all variety including the Wheaton Studio of Dance, the Akhmedova Ballet Academy, the Mom-entum Dance Troupe, Roda Movements, the Einstein High School Cheerleaders, and the Pom Teams from Northwood and Wheaton High Schools. There were community groups who made art just for the parade, including dozens of Girl Scouts and Brownies wearing masks of animals, the Citizens Climate Lobby carrying art made of recycled and discarded materials, and the Chamber of Commerce with Laura Leigh Palmer’s Peace Dove.

Einstein High School students pulled a 15-ft tall dragon float made by art teacher Dustine Hayes’ class and the Flora M. Singer Elementary School’s parents, students and teacher carried a float of their sea turtle school mascot. Another new edition was a 20ft long hungry caterpillar with mechanical movement! As always, there were lots of visual artists and arts groups like Arts on the Block and the Montgomery Art Association carrying their paintings and sculptures along the route.

The parade led us to the festival that continued the celebration of art with performances on three stages and artists selling their original work at more than 40 booths. It was a time for the community to come together, to eat some of the food that has made Wheaton famous around the DMV and to listen to music and enjoy dance from our talented local performers.

You can view and purchase professional quality photos of the entire parade and festival HERE by James Corbett. 10% of sales go to support the Wheaton Arts Parade.
The Wheaton Arts Parade and Festival would not be possible without you and the financial support we receive from our generous sponsors.
Thank you for coming and we hope you'll be back next year to celebrate the arts with us.

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