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WAP Title from poster.png
Pyramids 2023 Title for Web.png
Click on the artist's name to hear from the artist and see their design.
#1 - Alexandra Slezak, "Mirage"
 - Rachel Ann Cross, "Water is Life"
#3 - Sally McAllister, "Moon Dance"
 - Jessica Muñiz-Witmer, "Wonders of Wheaton"
#5 - Marta Lopez Teigeiro, "Hope, Joy and Harvest"
 - Angela Davidson, "Wear a Mask"
#7 - Maria Luisa Benavides, "United by Art"
Click on the triangle to see the artwork and hear from the artist

The WAP Path of Pyramids is back by popular demand. Why pyramids? Wheaton is formed by the intersection of three state highways, creating what is known as the Wheaton Triangle. The annual parade is called “Parade the Triangle” and a triangle has been featured on many of the annual parade's posters. When a triangle takes form in 3 dimensions it is a tetrahedron, a pyramid with a triangle on all four sides. The spirit of Wheaton is also formed by a triangle, but not one of highways. It is a triangle formed by its citizens, its commerce and its cultures.


When the COVID pandemic prevented the Wheaton Arts Parade & Festival in 2020, WAP brought art to the streets and sidewalks of Wheaton where it could be appreciated safely.

Thanks to support from the Maryland State Arts Council and the Arts & Humanities Council of Montgomery County, 5 new tetrahedrons with 8 ft edges were commissioned. They join 2 from 2020 to create an art walk, a "Path of Pyramids," around the Wheaton Urban District.


The sign on each pyramid has a QR code that will link your mobile device to a recording by the artist telling you a little bit about their background and their pyramid design. You also can can click on the yellow triangles on the map below to hear the artists and see images of the three faces of their pyramids.


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Wheaton Arts Parade is supported in part with funds from the Montgomery County Government, the Arts & Humanities Council of Montgomery County and the Maryland State Arts Council.

© 2024 Wheaton Arts Parade. Created with 

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